Monday, December 12, 2011

My Trip to Duke

This past Friday I had the oportunity to wander around the Duke University campus and take pictures; it was great! I felt a little out-of-place at first, being 3 years younger than the average college freshman and all that, but once I found my way around and started taking pictures I was much more relaxed. My main subject was the chapel, a towering church with minor buildings that wind their way all over the east campus, its an absolutely gorgeous building inside and out. I could only get good pictures of the outside though, because the indoor lighting was really warm and I only had a sony point-and-shoot camera with a slow shutter-speed. Hence, most of my indoor pictures are really blurry because my hand moved to much and the shutter was to slow to catch a good image.

I guess the students aren't used to seeing a high-school sophmore chasing squrrels around the landscaping, though, 'cause I got some pretty weird looks. The squrrels weere so friendly though, and one let me get up close; how could I not take pictures?
I guess my camera shutter did not feel very sociable that day though, because it scared the poor critter off. Fooey!

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